Winter & Spring Classic Hockey Tournaments

Mites & PeeWee


Despite the competitive nature of a tournament format, coaches, players and spectators are asked to keep Grandview Hockey’s underlying philosophy at the forefront. Participating and having fun is stressed over winning games.

1. The tournament runs on a tight schedule. Please have your team ready 5 minutes prior to game time.

2. All games are scheduled in a 1 hour time slot. Games are 45 minutes with a 5 minute warm up. Note: warm up may be cancelled if we are not running on schedule.

3. The clock will run continuously. Each line will play 3 minute shifts. C-line will start, followed with B-line and then A-line. NOTE: Players are not permitted to play down a line (ie. A on B or B on C).

4. Teams may dress any player from their respective team as goalie; no rotations is required for the tournament.

5. Penalties are 2 minutes. The player serves the penalty during the remainder of his/her shift. Any balance of the penalty is to be served the net time the player is to be out on the ice (applies to all 3 lines). The player remains ineligible to play until they have served the entire penalty time or the other team scores during that shift.

NOTE: Mighty Mites A-Line & B-Line, all penalties are called. C-Line penalties for blatant fouls or taking away scoring chances are to be called.

6. Penalties called in the last 2 minutes of the game will disqualify the penalized player from overtime play. Any major penalties will exclude any player from the balance of the tournament.

7. There shall be NO CALL-UPS from the Mighty Mites Division to the Pee Wee Division during the tournament.


a) Each team will play 3 players with no goalies for 3 minute shifts. A-line will start, then B-line, then C-line. If there is no goal scored after the first rotation of lines you must sub in different players so that every child may have a chance to play if the opportunity arises.

b) In order to score, the goal scorer must be over the opponent’s blue line.

c) Penalties called in overtime that would call for a penalty shot would be deemed as an automatic goal. Regular penalties are 2 minutes or until the buzzer for the next line change.


Mighty Mites

A-line: icing & offside……B-line: offside only…….C-line: no calls, if goalie freezes the puck. The puck is then thrown into the corner. Face-offs only at center ice after goal or start of play.

Pee Wee

A-line, B-line & C-line: icing and off sides.



1. PARTICIPATION AND HAVING FUN IS TO BE STRESSED OVER WINNING. We recognize the competitive nature of a tournament so this is a reminder that our philosophy is rule number one, HAVE FUN. Players, coaches and parents are asked to follow this rule.


2. All Games well be 2 – 20 minute periods with the last 2 minutes being stop time. The clock will be stopped for unforeseen circumstances, (IE. injuries, etc.). The convener or any executive member of the board will have the right to shorten games if need be.


3. Penalty rules are the same as the regular season with the following additions:

a. If a player receives a minor penalty in the last 2 minutes of the game they will serve the penalty and will not be able to participate in overtime if needed and will remain in the penalty box until a winning team is determined.

b. If a player is accessed a major penalty they will be removed for the remainder of the tournament pending further investigation with possible further playing privileges being suspended. A substitute player will not be made to serve the penalty but the team will play short handed for the 5 minutes.

c. If a player is currently serving a suspension the suspension will carry over into the tournament and will go towards their suspension.

d. In the event your goalie is unable to play you must, ahead of your first game notify the convenor of the situation and resolve it with him/her. If you fail to advise your convenor prior to your first game you will need to dress one of your players as you will not be able to borrow a goalie from that point on. NO GOALIES /PLAYERS FROM OUTSIDE GRANDVIEW RECREATIONAL HOCKEY ARE PERMITTED TO DRESS FOR ANY TEAM. If this occurs the coach will be suspended adn the team will forfeit that game.

e. Any 3 minor penalties in a game will result in a game suspension.

f. Penalties will be 3 minutes in length.


4. All games that end in a tie will be decided via overtime. The rules for overtime are as follows:

a. Each team will play 4 on 4 with NO GOALIES.

b. Overtime period length is 4 minutes, run time or until someone scores.

c. No changing on the fly, only during stoppages in play.

d. All players are eligible to play in overtime unless serving a suspension or penalty

e. Players will serve 2 minutes for penalties in overtime

f. Players may only score when their skates have completely passed over the oppositions blue line.

g. An automatic goal will be awarded for any penalty for whicIn theh a penalty shot would normally be awarded.

h. In the event that a Championship game ends in a ties, the above rules will apply.


5. Good sportsmanship is to be followed throughout the tournament. Please follow the items below for your teams.

a. Teams are to shake hands at the end of each game.

b. Home team leaves the ice first and goes directly to their dressing room.

c. Inappropriate behaviour will not be tolerated and players and coaches will be given only one warning. Penalties and suspensions will be assessed if required.

d. When in doubt of anything refer to Rule #1!